Friday 7 December 2012

Top Ten American Foods

Here is a complete list of top ten American foods.The Top Ten foods used in USA including snacks and other foods are rated according to public opinion.People love their eating habits and some people never want to be disturbed while taking food.That's what we can expect from anybody taking hot snacks.

Hamburgers.Considered a "high risk" food because of the poor health standards under which they are manufactured.The time consuming process for making processed meats creates high bacteria counts and putrefaction of the meat which need to be treated with chemicals.Putrefaction causes meat to turn green which is then dyed with red chemicals to appear fresh.Unless marked otherwise,hamburger will always contain red dyes.

Because burger parts all come from the animal,"pure beef" can be used on the label! Most hamburger contain the flavour enhancer,MSG(monosodium glutamate) which causes headaches,allergic reactions and more.MSG is a chemical  used to fatten up laboratory animals and evidence suggests it will ultimately make you fat when consumed.The beef industry is the largest user of antibiotics in the world to offset the dangerous bacteria housed in its meats.This has resulted in the growing resistance to antibiotics.Ground beef is more likely to harbour life-threatening E-coli than any other food.Hamburgers are the single biggest food item that inflicts the most damage on the American diet"Billions served" billions spent on doctor visits and hospital bills.The hormones fed to cattle can make you fat through meat consumption.A Cheeseburger contains more than 100% of your TOTAL daily recommended fat intake! Burger condiments like pickle,lettuce,tomato,etc.are all treated with cancer causing chemical sulfites that are used to maintain a false freshness in the vegetables.Most burgers contain 1090 mg of sodium!(45% of daily recommended Daily Value) and can promote water retention.

Hot Dogs.Like hamburgers, hot dogs are considered a "high risk" food because of the poor health standards under which they are manufactured.The time consuming process for making processed meats creates high bacteria counts and putrefaction in the meat which need to be treated with chemicals.Putrefaction makes meat turn green which is then dyed with red chemicals to appear fresh.Because hot dog parts all come from the animal,"pure beef" or "100% turkey"can be used on the label!All hot dogs contain the flavour enhancer,MSG (monosodium glutamate) which causes headaches and allergic reactions.MSG is a chemical used to fatten up laboratory animals and will
ultimately make you fat when consumed.Hot dogs have nitrites which are thought to cause stomach cancer,leukemia,brain tumours,and bladder cancer.Fillers and non-meat binders used to hold hot dog meat together can be anything from cereal,non-fat dry milk,or soy which adds more carbohydrates and processed ingredients)Synthetic collagen casings are used to form the hot dogs.Highly carcinogenic.Contains up to 40% of its content in undisclosed saturated fats.

French Fries.French fries are very toxic.In order to make French fries,they must be cooked at high temperatures which cause the chemical,acrylimide to be released.Acrylimides are a known cancer causing agent that also causes nerve damage.Potatoes are grown in the ground and have a higher pesticide absorption level than almost any other food product.  Fries are cooked in oxidized oil that is re-used for weeks at a time!Potatoes have a very high glycemic index meaning it turns to sugar very quickly in the body.Eating a baked potato (or equivalent quantity of French fries) is the sugar equivalent of a large piece of chocolate cake!

Oreo Cookies.Predominantly made up of 23 grams of straight-line sugar.Chocolate is LAST ingredient listed which means chocolate is the least of the ingredients.370 empty calories with almost no nutritional benefits,you could eat 2 whole chicken breasts for the same amount of calories!6 cookies have 12 grams of fat,2.5 grams of saturated fat and 40 carbs,more than 50% of your daily carbohydrate allowance in only 6 cookies.

Pizza.Commercial pizzas are made exclusively of 5 genetically modified foods:Cheese "food" (Contains only 10% cheese-it cannot even be called real cheese) Enriched white flour which has been bleached of natural vitamins and minerals but has been "enriched" by adding back a minuscule amount of synthetic vitamins.Tomato sauce made from tomato-like substances that produce their own pesticides,IN YOU Wheat in the pizza crust is genetically modified.Contains cottonseed oil.Cotton is not a "food",therefore it can be sprayed with anything farmers want.The seed carries most of the poison of the cotton plant.Click Here To Read about Remaining five foods in Top Ten American foods.

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